lis 28 2008


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Det lille Turnéteater, as the name suggest, has its roots in the tradition of touring. And small it was, when it all began. A man on a motorbike with four cotton nappies and a ghettoblaster, and the play "Count Pig" (Grev Gris) was on the road. Now there is more hands and more hardware in the now four wheeled vehicles. Also the "language" of the plays has changed. For being based on a tradition of storytelling, such as in the performances of "Ulysses" and "Hamlet", the later plays "Dorthes Heart" and "Kling Klang" also make use of fx. video animations and bicycle frames. But regardless of all the tecnical hardware all the performances, Det lille Turnéteater still have one thing in common; The simple terms that everyone can relate to. And, within the simplicity complex themes are hiding, so that all viewers are being challenged - children as well as adults. This "tour-language" is now requested and beloved all around the world.
studencik123 : :
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